A large number of people ask this question every day, am I really taking care of my teeth in a proper way?
A large number of people ask this question every day, am I really taking care of my teeth in a proper way? And how can I know? In the Implablog we tell you.
Next we will ask you a series of questions, which you will have to answer to yourself in total honesty.
If the answer is NO, for any of the above questions. We inform you that you are not taking care of your teeth in a suitable way. Impladent invites you to build the necessary habits so that your teeth have the health you really deserve.
Impladent is a Colombian dental clinic created in 2009, is responsible for providing specialized dental services and is located in the north of Bogotá, in the Pasadena neighborhood.
Si tienes alguna duda o deseas una atención personalizada, puedes contactarnos llenando nuestro formulario de contacto.
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